Why hide under a smile when your heart hurts? The world looks and feels different. The pain wants to shout to tear its way out. Instead, you feel trapped unexpectedly like a spider in its web. It might seem too late, but nothing is farther from the truth than this.
When the web of life you’ve built around you is also crumbling, at least you’ve realized your limit. This is actually good – the moment of truth. It is the truth you’ve forgotten or once defied. Multitasking, technological speed, compromising, skipping quiet time with God are just a few common ingredients in the mix. But they cannot make you bionic.
What do we see when we look at the mirror now? A person with flesh and blood, not a fantasy heroine or hero. But someone with limitations.
According to our Maker, a person does not and cannot live by bread alone, but by every Word from God. And Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God. He is the Word of God. God speaks to us through Him. He is the Vine and apart from Him, we the branches cannot bear fruit. His Spirit is the living water that will never cease. So His Spirit living in us is the strength we need in us.
Small steps: Feeling tired? Lost? Down? Why not thank God for letting you see your limits. Take the time to rest in His word, and in prayer surrender your burdens to HIm. He gives strength to those who call Him. Do not rush. For they that wait upon Him shall renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31).