
The Lord’s Supper is both a historical and symbolic gesture of Christ. Pinhead by micro-sculptor Willard Wigan 2007

Feeling like an outcast, invisible, useless even in your own home?

No matter what the reason, it hurts. It makes this woman who came to Jesus when she was in the pit of pain beg and said, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

And it was so, but in God’s table, there’s abundance of real food for deep healing, even crumbs turn into gold.

Quick bite: Come to the table that serves real food.

Note: The conversation above is found in Matthew 15:21-28. The Canaanite woman may not know she had the faith. Our faith shows what we depend on especially in dire time. Don’ waste it on what’s undependable.