As much as receiving something is fun, creating something is much more fun and satisfying actually. Doing is creating. You might not realize this is part of being made in God’s image. Like Him, we can create, produce and make.
Didn’t Jesus once said, it is “more” blessed to give than to receive? A life that creates what’s good, true and beautiful will be made more “blessed.” God wants to bless the producers and givers, not the sloth, selfish takers. Since He wants us to walk as Jesus walked, we are not fashioned after some prehistoric creature, but after the Creator of the universe. Like Him, our lives are to be about creating happiness, love and peace.
Technically speaking, “to create” means “to make something out of nothing.” Now, we can make many and almost anything big and small for our enjoyment and benefit because God has already provided the materials. It is humbling but true that almost everything we see and use is made by someone. That includes you and me. Through procreation, our parents made us so now we are here. To “create” a person into existence! This is the closest we can get to the original creative act of God in Genesis 1:1. That isn’t just fun, it is awesome, incredulous, mind-blowing, etc.
If you realize that, life can never be boring or meaningless again. We can even recycle trash to make them useful again. What a metaphor of broken lives and dreams recreated in the hands of the Creator-Savior! Due to our foolishness we might have made things that destroy us: lies, naivete, vile and simplistic solutions. But we can start anew now.
The psalmist wrote God’s steadfast love and mercies are new every morning. Every day can become a new beginning. “Make love not war.” I like that slogan from the 60’s. What about you? What is it you want to “create”? Make someone laugh? Try me. I mean it. Put it in the comment section below. What else? Make money? Why not? Once there was a person who asked God for money. God gave him life with a “new heart” so he could work and make “money” for himself, and enough to share with others. How about making the world a safe place? More on that in my next blog.
Simple step: When you wake up in the morning, warm your stomach (coffee?) and your heart with these thoughts. Then in “Christ-like” fashion, think what you want to “create” today. And what would you want God to create in you? How about new life in Christ? Don’t overthink. I’d love to hear how it eventually works out for you.
(For more on God’s image, you are welcome to follow this up by reading the first chapter of Counseling the Heart by Shirley Y Wong.)